The Smith Anglin Blog

You’re likely well aware that United recently announced an early retirement offer called the Pilot Voluntary Separation Leave (P-VSL), but you may be struggling to determine if participating is the right decision for you and your family. The P-VSL may be an attractive offer for pilots considering an early-out, but there are many factors and […]

We’ve discussed how much debt is floating around out there. America’s bar tab was around $54 trillion; half of that was money owed by the federal government, and a quarter of it was credit cards, auto loans, mortgages, and other instances of consumer debt. While a smidge of the rest of it consisted of the […]

Dear Crewmember, You’re likely well aware that Delta recently announced the Voluntary Early Out Program (VEOP), but you may be struggling to determine if participating in the VEOP is the right decision for you and your family.  The VEOP may be an attractive offer for pilots considering an early-out, but there are many factors and […]

Lawmakers in Washington, particularly those aligned with the Republican Party, like to talk about tax cuts. Which is why you might be hearing more birds and crickets chirping than usual around Capitol Hill. Because, with all this federal debt piling up, it’ll be a long time before another bill like the Tax Cuts and Jobs […]

Ever notice how many business terms come from aviation? “The 30,000-foot view.” “Headwind.” “Golden parachute.” But there is one troubling term being bandied about now: bailout. When you hear it related to the airline industry, rest assured it’s in the nautical sense of the word. Passenger airlines are set to receive $25 billion in grants […]

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